Ministry of Gender, Family and Social Services
Gender Responsive Budgeting Consultant (International)

Vacancy in Ministry of Gender, Family and Social Services

Gender Responsive Budgeting Consultant (International)

A. Objective and Purpose of Assignment

The International Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) Consultant will support the National GRB Consultant to strengthen the capacity of Ministry of Finance (MOF) to integrate gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) into results-based budgeting reforms; build the capacity of MOF and three focal ministries to introduce gender responsive budgeting in the three chosen sectors; and support MOF lead the process of developing a national GRB strategy.


B. Scope of Work

The International GRB Consultant will bring international experience of GRB to the project and be the lead technical specialist for Output 2. In addition to the international specialist, a local consultant will be based in MOF to support the work on gender responsive budgeting. They will be funded for two years by the project, and thereafter by MOF. The local consultant will be hired by the Project Management Unit. The International GRB Consultant will work closely with the local consultant, who may have limited experience with gender responsive budgeting, and provide capacity building and technical support on GRB to them. The International GRB Consultant will guide and work with the local consultant to assess the capacity of stakeholders and determine how to approach ownership building and generate interest in GRB. They will identify international training materials that can be adapted for Maldives, share examples of GRB tools and approaches that have been introduced in other countries, evidence of the benefits of gender responsive planning and budgeting, and support the quality assurance of products.

 C. Duration of Assignment:  150 days (intermittent during the project period)

 D. Qualifications and Experience

The consultant will have 10 years of experience of working on gender equality and at least 5 years of experience of working on gender responsive planning/budgeting/governance in low and middle-4 income countries. They will have strong communication skills, experience in building capacity of government partners, and working as part of a diverse multidisciplinary team. Excellent English language skills are required.



 E. Reporting

 The International GRB Consultant will be line managed and report to the Chief Financial Budget Executive in MoF and Project Management Unit in MGFSS

F. Remuneration


 G. Application instructions

The Ministry of Gender, Family and Social Services now invite interested individuals qualified for the assignments to submit Expression of Interest inclusive of the following documentation to demonstrate your eligibility for the assignment.

 1. Cover Letter for Expression of Interest.

 2. CV including information that demonstrates that the candidate is qualified to undertake the scope of work.

 3. Work experience documentation. (Description of similar assignments, and experiences in similar field of work).

 4. Copies of attested academic qualifications.

 5. Reference letters from current and/or previous employers.


Candidates interested in applying, please email your CV along with other relevant documents to [email protected]  before 08th May 2023 13:30. For more information please call +960 3027551


18 April 2023