މިނިސްޓްރީ އޮފް ހަޔަރ އެޑިޔުކޭޝަން
Consultation to develop the ToR for NHRDP

މި އިޢުލާންވަނީ 30 މާރިޗު 2023 13:03 ގައި ބާތިލް ކުރެވިފައެވެ.

Consultation to develop the ToR for NHRDP


The Ministry of Higher Education invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for the Consultation to develop the ToR for National Human Resource Development Plan (NHRDP).

Interested Bidders may obtain further information and express interest by mailing to [email protected] before 30th March 2023, 1200hrs. Bids must be delivered to Ministry of Higher Education, Umar Zahir Office Building, 5th floor, Orchidmaahingun, on 3rd April 2023, 1100hrs. Late Bids will be rejected. ToR is attached with this as a reference.


26 މާރިޗު 2023