Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture
NGOs to conduct community consultations and a socio-economic survey

Request for proposals


The Project for the Formulation of Master Plan for Sustainable Fisheries (MASPLAN) is a technical cooperation project between the Government of Maldives and the Government of Japan. To support the implementation of the project; the “MASPLAN” project is calling for proposals from national consulting firms and/or NGOs to conduct community consultations and a socio-economic survey within 7 selected islands of Maldives. The surveys are to be completed between March - April 2015.

Any firms and/or NGOs interested can obtain the detailed TOR by calling 3339271, 3339287 or by emailing [email protected]. The deadline for final submission of the detailed proposals is 14:00hrs on December 24, Wednesday to the Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture at Velaanaage (7th Floor). 

18 December 2014