Ministry of Education
Cancellation of the Announcement No. (IUL)22/E/22/2022/4 (5th January 2022)

Maldives Learning Advancement and Measurement Project (LAMP:P172631)

Ministry of Education

Republic of Maldives


Cancellation of the Announcement No. (IUL)22/E/22/2022/4 (5th January 2022)


The announcement no. (IUL)22/E/22/2022/4 (5th January 2022) for the procurement of

stretchers for 193 government schools has been cancelled, as the bidders’ total prices and/or

discounted prices were not read aloud in the presence of the bidders’ representatives present a

the time of bid opening,


Details of procurement of stretchers for 193 government schools

Maldives Learning Advancement and Measurement Project (LAMP)

Name of Project:

Procurement of stretchers for 193 government schools

Contract Title:


Loan No./Credit No./ Grant No.:


RFB Reference No.:

16 February 2022