Island Aviation Services Limited
Re-Bid Construction and Development of all Civil Works Relevant to an Aviation Fuel Storage Depot at N.Maafaru International Airport

Ref No: IAS/MIS/2022/121

With reference to the Gazette Number: IAS/MIS/2021-1886 published by our company on 1st December 2021, please be informed that the mentioned above Bid has been cancelled and opened for re-Bid, as we did not receive enough comparable Bids to proceed further.

IASL is seeking eligible bidders to submit their bids for the Construction and Development of all Civil Works Relevant to an Aviation Fuel Storage Depot at N.Maafaru International Airport.

Bid Registration is open for local parties up to 27th January 2022, 15:00HRS local time in Maldives (GMT + 0500hrs). In order to participate in the Bid, all bidders are required to provide expression of interest by mailing the filled EOI Form to IASL procurement mail as per below mailing format:

To: [email protected] / [email protected]

Cc to: [email protected]

Subject: EOI for NMF Civil Works Re-bid – (Bid No: 01/2022)


Any Bid Registration requests made after the mentioned date and time will not be accepted.

For further clarifications and queries regarding this Bid, kindly go through the attached RFB and send us your queries to [email protected] / [email protected] copied to [email protected].


Note *EOI Form and RFB has been attached along with the announcement.

23 January 2022