Island Aviation Services Limited
N.Maafaru Fueling Plant - Fuel Storage Tanks


Island Aviation Services ltd is seeking interested parties for the Design, Fabrication, Testing and Delivery of New Carbon Steel, Fusion Welded, Above Ground, Single Skin, Horizontal cylindrical tanks with dished and flanged ends for aviation fuel (JET A-1), with the capacity of 50m3 as per the technical specification sheet.


No. of Aviation Fuel (JET A-1 Fuel) Tanks Required: 8 Tanks


Bid Registration is open for both Local and Foreign parties up to 4th June 2021 14:00HRS local time in Maldives (GMT + 0500hrs).

In order to participate in the Bid, all bidders are required to provide expression of interest by mailing the filled EOI Form to IASL procurement mail as per below mailing format:


To: [email protected]

Cc to: [email protected]


Subject: EOI for IASL NMF Jet A-1 Fuel Storage Tanks BID No:13-2021


For further Clarifications and queries regarding this Bid, Discreetly go through the attached RFB and send us your queries to [email protected] copied to [email protected] before 17th June 2021 14:00HRS  local time in Maldives (GMT + 0500hrs).

Note* EOI Form (Expression of Interest Form, Page No.6 in attached RFB)

31 May 2021