Island Aviation Services Limited
N.Maafaru Fueling Plant - Office Cubicle


Island Aviation Services ltd is seeking interested parties for the Fabricating an Office Cubicle in a 40ft Shipping container as per the layout attached in the RFB.



Bid Registration is open for both Local and Foreign parties up to 4th June 2021 14:00HRS local time in Maldives (GMT + 0500hrs).

In order to participate in the Bid, all bidders are required to provide expression of interest by mailing the filled EOI Form to IASL procurement mail as per below mailing format:


To: [email protected]

Cc to: [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]


Subject: EOI for IASL NMF Office Cubicle BID No:11-2021


For further Clarifications and queries regarding this Bid, Discreetly go through the attached RFB and send us your queries to [email protected] copied to [email protected] before 17th June 2021 14:00HRS  local time in Maldives (GMT + 0500hrs).

Note* EOI Form (Expression of Interest Form, Page No.6 in attached RFB)

31 May 2021