Ministry of Economic Development
GENERAL PROCUREMENT NOTICE ; Maldives COVID-19 Emergency Income Support Project




Maldives COVID-19 Emergency Income Support Project

Ministry of Economic Development

Republic of Maldives


Project ID No.: P174014


The Ministry of Economic Development has receivedfinancing in the amount of US$ 12.8 million equivalent from the World Bank toward the cost of the Maldives COVID-19 Emergency Income Support Project, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for goods, works, non-consulting services and consulting services to be procured under this project.


The project will include the following components.

Component 1: Temporary assistance to workers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic


The objective of this component is to mitigate the economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis on workers and their families, data collection and storage in NSPA’s Social Protection Information System (SPIS) to facilitate follow-up and future support; and a program of media outreach to inform the public of the program and eligibility conditions. This component will be finance by the world bank on disbursements by the government to income support allowance applicants eligible for the benefit, up to the allocated financing limit for the component 1.


This component majorly includes processing of benefit applications, approving eligible allowance amount and disbursing the allowance to the claimants. There are no items to be procured through open international competitive methods for this component, as functionality and systems required for the component has been developed and implemented through Jobcenter ( Jobcenter is run by the Ministry of Economic Development, which is the dedicated avenue to apply for income support allowance program.


 Component 2: Strengthening social protection delivery systems and institutions


The objective of this component is to strengthen the Maldivian social protection system, to improve infrastructure and institution to better respond to future crises and disasters. To achieve this goal, the Component will have the following sub-components.


2.1 Developing a National Social Protection Framework.

The Objective of sub-component 2.1 is to develop a comprehensive National Social Protection Framework. This will comprise of reviewing existing social protection system from legislative and administrative perspectives,  defining a clear vision and high level objectives for social protection, defining lower level objectives, target groups and program features, gap analysis and/or overlaps in current delivery systems, proposing measures and a time-bound action plan to resolve gaps and overlaps.


Sub-component 2.1 will include several international consultancies to support the implementation of the components detailed research, design and preparation of the social protection framework and recommendations.


2.2 Developing a Fiscally Sustainable Unemployment Insurance Program.


The objective of sub-component 2.2 is to undertake an all-encompassing assessment based on secondary information, international experience as well as key informant interviews, workshops, FGDs with relevant stakeholders on the issues pertaining to unemployment, need for an insurance, legal space, adequacy, fiscal etc. Secondly, advise the Government on appropriate design options and support in implementation of an unemployment insurance program.


Sub-component 2.2 will include several international consultancies to support the implementation of the components detailed research and assessments, design and implementation of the unemployment insurance program.


2.3 Improving Retirement Pension Programs.


The objective of sub-component 2.3 is to develop a holistic strategic and time-bound action plan to improve the fiscal sustainability, coverage and benefits of the MRPS and social pensions programs in the Maldives, including a review of the programs, institutional processes and recommending changes to legislation and implementation arrangements to improve benefit adequacy and reduce the long-run fiscal burden of pension programs.


Sub-component 2.3 will include several international consultancies to support the implementation of the components detailed research and assessments, design and implementation of the identified improvements under sub-component 2.3.


2.4 Strengthening NSPA’s Delivery and Targeting Systems.


The objective of sub-component 2.4 is to review existing Social Protection Information System (SPIS) and develop full stack user interface and data base for the beneficiary portal of the Social Protection Programs administered by National Social Protection Agency (NSPA) and integrate with the existing program management software. Also, incorporate necessary tools and GIS capabilities and identity verification tools related to registration, targeting, payments, case management and monitoring of Social Protection Programs conducted by National Social Protection Agency (NSPA).


Sub-component 2.4 majorly includes procurement, development and implementation of intangible goods such as improvements to existing software systems, develop new applications, website and functionalities for an efficient targeting and delivery system, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) which will be procured through limited local competitive methods.



Procurement of contracts financed by the World Bank will be conducted through the procedures as specified in the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers - Procurement in Investment Project Financing- Goods, Works, Non-Consulting and Consulting Services, July 2016 Revised November 2017 and August 2018, and is open to all eligible firms and individuals as defined in the Procurement Regulations.[1] After project negotiations, the World Bank shall arrange the publication on its external website of the agreed initial procurement plan and all subsequent updates once it has provided a no objection.


Specific procurement notices for contracts subject to open international competitive procurement will be announced, as they become available, in UN Development Business online, on the World Bank’s external website and and official gazette.[2]


Prequalification/Initial Selection of suppliers and contractors will be required for the following contractssuch as Software development for strengthening NSPA’s Delivery and Targeting Systems under sub-component 2.4 1

Interested eligible firms and individuals who would wish to be considered for the provision of goods, works, non-consulting services and consulting services for the above-mentioned project, or those requiring additional information, should contact the Borrower at the address below:

Shuhad Ibrahim, Project Director - COVID-19 Emergency Income Support Project

Ministry of Economic Development, Boduthakurufaanu Magu, Male’ 20125, Republic of Maldives

+960 3323668

[email protected]


[1]      Occasionally contracts may be financed out of tied trust funds that would further restrict eligibility to a particular group of member countries. When this is the case, it should be mentioned in this paragraph.

[2]      If known, the dates of issuance of the specific procurement notices for goods, works, non-consulting services, prequalification and initial selection, and the dates of issuance of requests for expressions of interest for consultants’ contracts shall be given.

17 August 2020